Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh, Youth Group Fun!

Wow! A journal entry that's not about soccer!!! heehee!

I have a few pictures of youth group stuff from our church here at Horizonte.

Here are some kids in a typical youth group game - having to hum a song with your mouth full of water, and everyone else has to guess what song it is.

We are starting small groups in the youth group, and me and Aaron are in charge of the high schoolers. We hope that eventually, we'll have enough high schoolers that I can take the girls and Aaron can take the guys. But right now, there's only two guys.

And then there's the University crazy people of the youth group (yep, I'm university age here!) Last night, several of us went to see Poseidon Adventure. And afterewards, we decided we needed to go to the Centro for some Juajolotes (HUGE sandwiches made on big rolls dipped in hot sauce, with meat, cheese, cream, avocado, tomato, lettuce, beans, and chiles) Chalio brought his car to the theater, so we decided that since he had to go in the car anyway, we ALL should go in the car! Only 7 of us went to the Centro, but did I mention that Chalio's car is a VW bug?!

Here is me, JP, Alma Rosa, Nora, and Lauren in the back seat (Alma's in the WAY back)

And this picture is difficult to see, Chalio took it by putting the camera out the window in front of the windshield. So we have Kristen, Me, JP, Alma, Nora, and Chalio. Lauren's squished back there somewhere!

It's great fun to hang out in the Centro on sunday evenings! There are like 5 plazas that have music, and LOTS of places to eat! We also ran into Job and Alex from church, and three other people who we all know from Global.

Living here is good!!

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