Monday, April 25, 2005


I think I should title this entire blog over the past few months - "Wacky Ways God Thinks Of To Provide For His People." Today, I went to this man's home who just lost his wife. He is a neighbor of my youth pastor, Colin, and was telling Colin the other day that he's like to give his wife's clothing to someone who could really use them. Colin thought of me, and that I may like to have some new clothes as I prepare to leave. So I went there today, and many of the clothes were litterally new! Many of them did not fit me, so they will go to the other Nazarene church, as they like to provide women's clothing for women who are coming out of a life on the streets. So I found a few shirts, a nice jacket and 2 pea-coats! I've always wanted a pea-coat so I don't have to wear my casual jackets to church with a dress, and I never bought one because they tend to be expensive. Now I have 2! So that was a random surprise, and what a blessing also!!

I must say, this week I've been quite busy. I have things going on weeknights monday though thursday, plus, sundays have been really long with two churches.... and the essential fellowship and food that goes along with going to the Mexican church! I didn't even look at my Bible Study Fellowship this week... so here I am on the computer 10 minutes before I must leave, typing instead of doing my "homework." Anyhow, I'm kind of looking forward to next month when BSF and choir end - that will free up monday and wednesday evenings! Maybe I can be more social in a non-structured way then.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


This is the best futbol team in the Honduran league - Viva Olimpia! Posted by Hello

And the best Mexican team - Las Chivas de Guadalajara! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Mi Iglesia Mexicana

Recently I started attending a hispanic church here in Salem. It's been a real blessing to worship in spanish again, AND that church is going through The Purpose Driven Life, and they are one week ahead of how we at South Salem Naz are going through it. So I've been able to hear the sermons first in spanish, then in english the next week. I've also decided to read the book in spanish. This is a big step for me, as it is the first book I've read completely though in spanish (I'm not counting the Clifford the Big Red Dog books as real books! haha!) It's been going really well so far.

Anyhow, last sunday, I went to dinner after church with three of the families from the hispanic church. It was so cool! They are all from Mexico - in fact, all but 3 people in the church are either from Mexico or born here in the States. The Pastor's wife is from Queretaro! So they were teaching me some new Mexican words, and laughing at my Honduran slang and my use of words that they've never heard before. So I've really been blessed the past few weeks worshiping at this church and fellowshiping with new friends! They usually play soccer after dinner too, so maybe next week I'll go also. But I think that it's a spectator thing for the women, it seemed like they were saying that the men play and the women watch, which is how it would probably be in Latin America.

I hope that in the next few months I'll be meeting new people at some evangelical church in Guanajuato!!

La Linda Hermana Linda

So I realized that I never said anything more about the "support-raising breakthrough" that I mentioned a while ago on this blog. Linda, a woman from my church, recently lost her husband Joe to a respiratory disease. He was not very old, and it was quite devastating. The morning that his obituary appeared in the newspaper, at the bottom, you know where they put which charity to donate money to in honor of the deceased... It was for me! So there are many people who were relatives of Joe or long time friends of his who I've never even met who donated funds in honor of their loved one to me. I am so blessed and so touched that Linda did this. It means so much to me! So, now my set-up costs for going to Mexico are pretty well taken care of. I don't yet have an exact figure as to where I am on that, but with my pay checks also, I'm moving along quite well!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

God Bless My Instant Messenger!

Technology is great sometimes. Of course it can be annoying, misused, and expensive. But God can also use it as a blessing. I was thinking about chatting (with people who I have really met besides on the computer!) and I realize how much of a blessing Instant Messenger has been to me over the last 2 years! Weird, huh?! But seriously, sometimes when I’m in a really bad mood, or just really need some encouragement, I end up talking with someone who really helps me out. I’ve learned some important truths via Instant Messenger from my friends over the past couple years. I have also had a few opportunities to encourage others via I.M. It is also really easy to start gossiping over the computer, but I’ve caught myself before doing that recently – I have more time to actually think about what I’m saying than when I’m talking! Haha!
So I hope I can continue to be blessed and encouraged by my friends who live far away, and can be an encouragement and a blessing also!

Monday, April 11, 2005

La Tragedia de Padres Mojados

I had a sad conversation on the Instant Messenger today with a friend from Honduras. Ever since I met this girl (we'll call her Maria because she'd probably not appreciate me telling things about her) about 2 years ago, there has been a special place in my heart for her. She seems to be a typical 19-year old Honduran girl. I learned after having hung out with her for several weeks that she lives with her grandma, not her mom. (I'm not sure where her dad is, or if she ever knew him). But her mom left Honduras to come to the United States many years ago. Maria says she never lived with her mom, but she must have for a while because her younger brother is her mom's kid too. Anyhow, last summer, I asked Maria about her mom. She said they talk on the phone about once a week, and her mom sends her money for school and to help the grandma out with living expences for Maria and her younger brother.

So today, Maria said she was really sad, so I asked why. Recently her mom called and said that she is getting married in the States, and won't be sending any more money. This potentially means that this is Maria's last semester at the University. She is a bright girl, and in pre-law right now. Her mom also said that she wishes she never had Maria as a child. My heart broke that a mom who isn't even around to take care of her kids would say such a horrible thing. I really didn't know what to say.

I learned about 2 years ago that there are many children and young adults in Honduras who live with grandparents or aunts because their parents came to the United States, and can't come back to Honduras or they won't be able to go to the U.S. again. I believe that many of these parents see coming to the United States as a way to help their families out financially. I have a really hard time understanding this, but so many people have such a warped idea of life in the States. They find out that job (legal ones) must pay at least $7.25 per hour (or whatever the min. wage is in a particular state), and that is a dang good hourly wage in Honduras. But they fail to realize that rent is at least $400 (in Oregon) for a not-so-nice apartment. Food is more expensive, even wiring money back to Honduras can be expensive. Then there's extra fees to pay for stuff if you are illegal and want these services. I have been to Maria's home, and in my opinion, they have everything they need. They have food, clothes (stylish ones at that), go to university, etc. It blows my mind as to why her mom felt the need to come to the U.S. when I imagine they weren't really poor to begin with. Maybe they have a better life now with the money from the States, but they lack a real mom. I want so bad to go there again and give Maria a big hug and tell her that she is loved. Her mom may be messed up, but there are people who love her! And God loves her!! I told her to go to Suyapa and tell her that I said Maria needs a big hug. I hope she goes.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

La Vida y El Muerto

A while ago, I wrote about hard things happening in the lives of friends. Well, today I was looking at the website set up by the family of Laurie, Harper's friend who took her life. It is unreal how much of an impact this girl has made of the lives of so many people. I mean, I never even met her, and I still feel like I knew her and knew that she genuinely cared about people. There are people in several different countries and states that have been impacted by Laurie... and by her death. I am sure that some of the young ladies I will meet in Queretaro have been friends with her and learned from her. I can't even imagine what daily goes through the minds of Laurie's family, fiance, and friends. Although I have a tiny idea from reading their blogs. One friend of hers wrote a pretty detailed account of the three days when they thought Laurie was missing/kidnapped. It really tore my heart out hearing about when they found out what really happened. I'm not really sure why this situation is on my mind so much - thank God it wasn't one of my close friends that died. But, I know all who are impacted have something to learn from Laurie's life and death, including me.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tu...

No lo hay, no lo hay
No hay Dios que pueda hacer las obras,
Como las que haces Tu!

God is good!
This has been a very encouraging week for me in the ministry area.
First of all, I received two phone calls in the same day from people from International Teams. The first from my advisor, and the second from a Querétaro team member! Both gave me much needed encouragement!

I also had a great meeting with a family last night about the Querétaro ministry, and have gained more prayer partners and financial supporters because of that.

Then, this morning, I got another really unexpected, but amazing breakthrough in financial support. But, I have been on the computer litterally for hours today writing emails to people who have been praying for me this week, and to some who I just have neglected to email in a while. So that story will have to wait... Choir practice is awaiting my presence.

I just want to give glory to the LORD for His goodness and faithfulness to me!!

Friday, April 01, 2005


So I haven't written on my blog in a long time. I had a good time with Apryl when she was here like a week ago. We went out to lunch 3 times!

Easter went well at work - it wasn't as busy as I'd thought, and we only worked at night until 9:15, so I was there for like a little over 3 hours, AND I didn't have to open the next morning, just came in at 8. We went to the Lanes for Easter dinner, then loafed around the house for the rest of the day. I called Papi for his birthday that day too, and Suyapa answered the phone, ans she couldn't hear me hardly at all, but realised that it was me, and that I must be calling for Delmer's birthday. He couldn't her me either, so after repeating "Espero que tenga un feliz cumpleaños" about a half million times, I gave up and said goodbye. Well, it's Ronald's birthday this sunday, so hopefully the connection will be better!!

This week at work has been interesting... Nicole is downtown baking this week, and she's training a girl from the GHBC franchise to bake sweets. It's weird in the first place to have Nicole downtown because she's not used to having the sweets ready by the time we open, so I get stressed out because things aren't ready. So add training on top of that. It's been hectic ' yesterday we had to dump 3 dozen cookies and 40 fruitbars because they weren't good. But today was better. So next week, we're training Andrew for sweets (with Nicole again), I think it will be a little better as he is somewhat familiar with how things go around here.

So tonight I'm going to dinner with Mike & Julie, and the franchise girl, and some of the managers. It should be interesting. I feel a bit out of place in that crowd! haha!

Tomorrow, I will sleep in and not wake up to an alarm. Happy day!