Thursday, September 24, 2009

Go Ye Therefore and Preach the Gospel...

A few weeks ago, Jean Paul and I had the opportunity to go out with Brenda, one of Jean Paul's co-workers. She was having a very difficult time with her boyfriend and family, and knew that we would be willing to listen to her. We went to coffee in the Centro, and she began explaining the situation. She asked how she could improve her life and make the situation less problematic. Jean Paul and I just looked at each other and smiled, and began to explain Salvation in Christ Jesus. It was obvious that Brenda had never heard this Message of salvation before. We explained very simply that God loves her so much, that He sent His Son to die to pay for HER sins. That one decision to accept forgiveness from Christ is what can change her life. Not take away the consequences of sins, but begin to live a new life. Brenda was very honest with us. SHe said she knew that her lifestyle was bad, that she's done lots of bad things in her life, but that maybe if she just asks forgiveness of all the people she's wronged, THAT will bring about a change. We admited that asking forgiveness of those people is a good thing, but it's asking GOD'S forgiveness that brings life change and eternal life.

I know that Brenda understands the concept of salvation in Christ. She asked many questions to clarify questions and doubts. She did not, however, make that decision to accept Christ. We will continue to pray for Brenda, and to hang out with her. We want her to know that we love her, and that God loves here. We trust that soon she we make that decision to follow Christ!


Wow, it's been a REALLY long time since I've written...

We had a great time in Oregon in August, visiting with people we hadn't seen in a long time, or for Jean Paul MEETING lots of people!, hanging out with my parents, and visiting the Oregon Coast, Silver Creek Falls (state park with several waterfalls), dowtown Portland, and exploring Salem!

Here are just a few pictures...

Jean Paul and I with Lindsay and Roger at the Portland Rose Gardens:
At Silver Creek Falls...

Freezing our buns off at the beach!