Friday, January 26, 2007

Ana and the Deer

A couple months ago, I spent a week at Julian and Whitney's house while they were in the States. Ana lived with them and didn't want to stay by herself for a week, so I stayed there too. Anyhow, one day, she came home from school and we decided to fix something for lunch. I found some beans to cook up, and was looking for other food to eat too when Ana told me "Oh! My aunt gave me a cut of meat the other day, we'll eat that!" And she proceeded to pull out the giant, round, dark red, inch-think chunk of meat out of the freezer. "It's deer," she told me. This slab of meat was so big, it even had a big indent in it where it looked like Bambi's backbone may have been. Ana tossed the whole thing in the mircrowave for a little bit, then told me to cook up half of it. Ok, I'm from Oregon, so eating deer isn't abnormal. But I've NEVER cooked it, and had NO idea how that works! So I cut of half of it, cut that half in shishkabob-sized pieces and tossed it in a fry pan with a little oil and whichischire sauce. It was a little rubbery, but it tasted alright.
Later, Ana thanked me for having cooked up the deer, as she didn't have the foggiest idea how to cook it! Now we both know how to improvise when cooking a slab of large forest-dwelling animal!

On to a more serious note, Ana has joined my english class for this semester. It's always weird for me to have friends in my english class, but this has turned out really well... Wednesday was the first class. One student - Noemi - accidentally came an hour early for class. She sat and talked with Ana and Raquel (another girl who works at the cafe) for quite a while. During class, I asked each student where they go to school or work. Ana said she goes to the Horizonte school of evangelism. That sparked questions with Noemi about what in the world IS a school of evangelism, and why would Ana go there?? So Ana and Noemi are getting together this weekend to go out to coffee and get some of Noemi's questions answered.
I don't think I've ever met another person who just has so many evangelistic opportunities dropped in their lap!! SOOO many people just ask Ana out of the blue about the Lord - her sister's boyfriend, a taxi driver, a girl from her high school who she hadn't seen in like 7 years... Wow!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It Happened...

I, along with all single missionaries I'm sure, am always asked if there is "any special young man" in my life. So far, the answer has always been "No." So far...

I have known Jean Paul since I moved to Queretaro last February. We are involved in a lot of the same ministries of Horizonte Church, and have many of the same friends. He's basically a really great guy! And he apparently thinks that I must be a really great girl too, as this week he asked me to be his girlfriend! So now I guess I can't say "no" to the question I am frequently asked!

Here is us at the Christmas formal at church in December

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Slumber Party!!

I don't think you're ever too old to have a good slumber party. And that we did last friday night! Whitney's husband is in the States, and her mom was in QRO, so we took the opportunity to have a little party! Diana and I were technically the only people "invited," as Ana, Aidee, and Whitney's little girls live there all the time...

Here we are (Ana, Micaiah, Diana, and I) enjoying pizza and nachos:

Alice, Talya, and Aidee surrounded by yummy junk food:

And what girls' slumber party wouldn't be complete without some nail-painting?! Here is Micaiah attempting to paint Whitney's nails:

Is it just me, or is Tayla already more than half the size on Ana, at 11 months?!

It was nice to spend some time all together for an evening... Julian and Whitney and their girls are moving back to the States the 29th of January. This puts Aidee (who is working as their house helper and living with them) and Ana (attending the school of evangelism, and had been passed between like 4 houses before finally spending the past three months living on the Kreveres' couch) out of a home. I was getting really worried, and wished that I could offer some floor space in my room... But thankfully, the Lord has provided - Aidee is moving in with Justin and Lluvia in their new house (they have been living with Lluvia's family for over a year!). Ana has found a place with Adiel (the youth pastor), his wife Nadia, and their son Gerardo.

This month has been full of changes, but all for the better I'm sure. My parents will arrive right in the middle of the caos (and I had been so sure that the week they were coming would be non-busy...!). They'll be here from Jan. 26 to Feb. 2!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Home... Again!

Well, I am now home (in Queretaro) after being at home (in Tegus). I am glad to be back and sad to not be in Honduras. But, I know that I am supposed to HERE now, in Mexico!!
I have not much going on this week, as we don't open the cafe until next week, I have no english classes to teach, am no longer taking spanish classes, youth group won't be until saturday, and I haven't gotten in touch with my girls yet to set up meeting times with them. SO, I have time to put some pictures of the rest of my time in Honduras on this blog!

This is my new favorite picture ever!! The first time we've taken a picture of the ENTIRE immidiate family!

In back are: Iván (brother, 26 years old), Franklin (brother, 22), Suyapa (mom), Michelle (sister, 33), Me, and Martha (grandma who lives with us). In front are Delmer (dad) and Ronald (brother, 20).

And the newest couple, my best Honduran friend Luisa, and her new boyfriend (who we've known forever!) Moisés.

My friend Flor and I... she's my shopping buddy!

The gringas - Marlia, Michelle, and I. Marlia is from California and was in Honduras visiting (she went there on the team from Simpson in 2003). Michelle has been a missionary in Honduras for 5 years.

Extended family members hanging out at my house - Larissa, me, Karla, and Flor (They'd be my cousin and second cousins)

And here's the kind of thing that goes on in the house when we've all had too much sugar and it's late at night...

(Iván, Fran, and Delmer trying to see who can wrestle who to the ground first)

Our family Christmas picture... although I now like the one with EVERYBODY better!

And, who says you can't have snow in the winter in Central America?! Michelle brought fake snow with her from Arizona... add water, and it turns into what really feels like snow!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

More Honduras!

Greetings again from Central America! And happy New Year!!

I'm still enjoying my time here in Honduras, it's been nice to have a few weeks to hang out, rest, and visit my friend here! I DO miss Queretaro though!!

Here are just a few pictures:

Suyapa and I on New Years Eve:

My two youngest brothers and I:

Fran, Luisa, and I at the mall:

Delmer and Suyapa (my honduran parents) and the evil orange cat:

I'll be heading back to Mexico Monday, Jan. 8! Sad as always to say goodbye to everyone here, but this time I'll also be very happy to go back "home" to Queretaro!!