Friday, April 01, 2005


So I haven't written on my blog in a long time. I had a good time with Apryl when she was here like a week ago. We went out to lunch 3 times!

Easter went well at work - it wasn't as busy as I'd thought, and we only worked at night until 9:15, so I was there for like a little over 3 hours, AND I didn't have to open the next morning, just came in at 8. We went to the Lanes for Easter dinner, then loafed around the house for the rest of the day. I called Papi for his birthday that day too, and Suyapa answered the phone, ans she couldn't hear me hardly at all, but realised that it was me, and that I must be calling for Delmer's birthday. He couldn't her me either, so after repeating "Espero que tenga un feliz cumpleaƱos" about a half million times, I gave up and said goodbye. Well, it's Ronald's birthday this sunday, so hopefully the connection will be better!!

This week at work has been interesting... Nicole is downtown baking this week, and she's training a girl from the GHBC franchise to bake sweets. It's weird in the first place to have Nicole downtown because she's not used to having the sweets ready by the time we open, so I get stressed out because things aren't ready. So add training on top of that. It's been hectic ' yesterday we had to dump 3 dozen cookies and 40 fruitbars because they weren't good. But today was better. So next week, we're training Andrew for sweets (with Nicole again), I think it will be a little better as he is somewhat familiar with how things go around here.

So tonight I'm going to dinner with Mike & Julie, and the franchise girl, and some of the managers. It should be interesting. I feel a bit out of place in that crowd! haha!

Tomorrow, I will sleep in and not wake up to an alarm. Happy day!

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