Wednesday, April 06, 2005

No Hay Dios Tan Grande Como Tu...

No lo hay, no lo hay
No hay Dios que pueda hacer las obras,
Como las que haces Tu!

God is good!
This has been a very encouraging week for me in the ministry area.
First of all, I received two phone calls in the same day from people from International Teams. The first from my advisor, and the second from a Querétaro team member! Both gave me much needed encouragement!

I also had a great meeting with a family last night about the Querétaro ministry, and have gained more prayer partners and financial supporters because of that.

Then, this morning, I got another really unexpected, but amazing breakthrough in financial support. But, I have been on the computer litterally for hours today writing emails to people who have been praying for me this week, and to some who I just have neglected to email in a while. So that story will have to wait... Choir practice is awaiting my presence.

I just want to give glory to the LORD for His goodness and faithfulness to me!!

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