Sunday, June 25, 2006

And the Curse Continues

Alas, we are no more.

Mexico scored two goals today, to Argentina's one goal. Unfortunatly our little friend Borgetti scored his goal in Argentina's goal. So they won. And we are no longer in the World Cup. And I am sad. And I have no voice from yelling at the Mexican National Soccer team today. And my favorite Mexican soccer player, who has been on the Chivas (my favorite Mexican soccer team) is going to play for some dumb european team (if he doesn't play for Madrid, I quit).

Well, I will probably quit being quite so fanatical about the World Cup now..... GOOOO BRASIL!!!!!!!!!!
Here is me and Rafa Marquez looking sad together after Mexico's 1-2 loss to Argentina.
I retired my Mexico jersey today. It can come out again maybe when I go to a Gallos Blancos game this year.

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