Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The New TV

(Adendum to my last post: I gave in and called our spanish school to change our placement test time to 10am instead of 11am, so hopefully I'll only miss the first half of Germany v. Costa Rica... I know, it's rediculous!)

Two other gringas - Lauren and Kristen - arrived yesterday to work with our ministry for a couple months. I went to Mexico City to pick them up. I don't know why bus travel drains the life out of me, but I always come home really tired - 6 hours (3 hours at a time) on a bus that is WAYYYYY more comfortable than an airplane, PLUS a trip to the Starbucks in Mexico City, I had no reason to be so tired! Ahh!

So today, I went with the girls on a self-directed tour of QRO - as in, I gave them a sheet of directions to various locations around QRO, and they found their way on busses, walking, etc. to the locations I had specified, and I just walked around with them, being of no help when they didn't know what a street name was, etc.... which was the point of the whole thing.

At one point, we passed Elektra - an electronics/appliance/furniture store, and I stopped in for a second to buy more minutes for my cell phone. Upon paying for my air time, the Elektra lady told me that I could get a TV with my purchase for just one peso. That's like a dime! So I said sure, I'd like the TV, gave her a peso, and they brought out a little tiny TV for me. (I knew it would be tiny, what do you expect for one peso?!) That was at like 12:30, at the BEGINNING of our trek through QRO. I carried the stupid TV box for an hour and a half, then we ate lunch, and I went to teach an english class, and I ended up having to carry my TV all the way home (like 20 minutes more of walking). At least the thing is miniscule. But still, a 9X9X12 (or so) inches box filled with a TV isn't light. And I kept laughing because it seemed funny that I carried around a TV all day. Well, I got it home, and it does in fact work. So there's my interesting Mexico story for today - getting a TV for a peso.


Anonymous said...

Where can I get that offer, extremly cheap TV's!!! and from a good store, or it was robbed articles.

JP and Jessica said...

Buy cellphone air time at Elektra! heehee!