Saturday, June 03, 2006

Daily Life

Here are a few pictures so you can see who I am with, and what I do on a regular basis!

Above is most of the Horizonte youth leadership team: (L to R in back, then the guy in front) Adiel (the youth pastor), Aron, me, Jenn (but she left today to go back to the States), Nadia (Adiel's wife), Julian, and J.P.

We meet every Friday to plan the youth meeting for Saturday evening, as well as planning special events, which right now is the youth camp in July.

Every Wednesday, we have a potluck at Global with the people who work there, and pretty much anyone else who wants to come. Here is: Justin, Lluvia, Nacho, Vanessa, Jonathan, and me. Yep, I cook! I make good "chori-frijoles" (refried beans with mexican sausage) and "guisos" (meat and vegetables cooked together in tomato sauce and meat juice). And my no-bake cheese cake (Thanks mom!!) is a big hit too!

And here's my new method of transportation! No, not really, there's a moto/bike/scooter sales place next door to us, and we are friends with the employees, so one night when they were bringing in the bikes, they let us ride them! That bike was sooo tiny, I could lift it up by myself. I think I'd be embarassed to actually ride that around town!

(Just to follow up on the last blog entry, the NEXT night, I was woken up at 1am by Gaby because the house almost flooded! It was POURING down raing, and you could see the water in the street rising, and it entered the place where the car can be parked, and was coming up to the step up to the house. I moved all my electric stuff up onto my desk, and got my suitcase (storage!) out of the 2nd shower (our storage cupboard) because we could hear the water starting to come up the drain. Thankfully, we didn't flood, the water started flowing down the street instead of just sitting there!!)

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