Tuesday, July 04, 2006

PAN or Peje

Mexican elections were Sunday. I asked several people when we would know the results of the elections (obviously thinking of elections in the US, where we don't know for weeks!), and everyone said "we'll know late tonight, like 1am, or tomorrow morning." They say that it's NEVER taken longer than a few hours (polls close at 6pm). Well, this time it took longer. As far as I know, there still hasn't been a "for-sure" decision made. The newspapers this morning say that it looks like Calderon won (YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!) but I don't know if that's the final answer. We'll see!

I got my visa today to live here!! YES! I'm a legal immigrant!!

Oh, and it's the 4th of July. Happy 4th of July! I'm doing nothing special today... the first year EVER. I've been in Brasil and Honduras on the 4th before, but I've always done some sort of celebrating... even in Honduras when we had a piƱata and went out for chinese food. That still counts as celebrating! I was going to make deviled eggs to take to our youth camp planning meeting, but I forgot to boil eggs, so I guess I won't. I always think of deviled eggs as 4th of July food...

Anyway, have a good one everybody!!

1 comment:

NicaGirl said...

Aren't elections in other countries interesting? I am following the Nicaraguan elections, which will be in Novemeber, and those are getting really interesting now, especially considering that one of the candidates just *DIED* on Sunday of a heart attack!
YAY on getting your visa! Very cool! Hope all is well with you and I am enjoying following your blogs! :) Dios te bendiga,