Wednesday, July 05, 2006


SEE!?!?! I CAN cook! The other day we had a meeting at church for those of us who are planning the upcoming youth camp. The meeting just so happened to be during lunch time, so I said that I was going to bring my lunch to the meeting. Then I remembered, "Hey, this is Mexico, I can't just bring food for me and eat it in front of everybody else!" So I thought maybe a potluck would be good. But the other 3 people coming to the meeting were two single guys and a guy whose wife wasn't going to come. So that's when I decided to just bring food for everyone! And it ended up that Nadia (the wife) came too, so 5 of us enjoyed about half of what I served... in the house that I live in here, the 5 of us could eat DOUBLE what I made!

So, clock-wise from the tortillas, we have tortillas, a chicken and vegetable guiso (basically for a guiso you just invent some kind of sauce (I almost always do tomato sauce), and throw in whatever meat and vegetables you have hanging around the house...) Chori-frijoles (black beans with chorizo sausage), guacamole (YES, it IS homemade by me), and red rice.

The only complaint I had from anyone was that they don't like zucchini.

Also, I found out this week, upon calling my Honduran brother Franklin for his birthday, that Suyapa is going to the USA in December!! I'm really excited for her! I wish I could be in Oregon and have her come up then, but I must choose between buying myself AND Suyapa plane tickets to Oregon, or just buying myself a ticket to Honduras and I'll still get to see Suyapa plus the rest of my family and friends. I choose going to Honduras. So that brings me back to cooking... Suyapa will be gone for the first week that I'm there, so I am officially the "chef encargada." I am just hoping that doesn't mean that I am in charge of the Christmas meal too... last year we had about 30 people in our house for Christmas! I talked to my Honduran next-door-neighbor Luisa today though, and happened to mention that, and she said her and her mom and sister will at least help! I feel comfortable cooking for up to maybe (MAYBE) 8 people, but NOT a Christmas dinner for 30! haha!

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