Monday, July 10, 2006

It's All Over...

Four more years... Yep the World Cup ended yesterday. After Brasil got beat in the quarter finals, I wasn't near as interested in it as I was earlier. But of course I watched the final. France v. Italy, and thankfully Italy won. Of all the european countries, Italy is the one that I would most want to win. But in 2010, watch out world, the 2005 "under 17" world champion was MEXICO, so we should be all set for a big group or 21 year old Mexicans to knock all other countries out of the competition! I hope...

Here is me with the Italians celebrating their victory!

Well, this is probably the last blog I'll be writing for the next 10 days or so. Starting today, no, actually, starting two days ago - I have stuff to be at/people to see/things to do from 9am until 10pm. Then thursday the 20th, after three days at youth camp with 40 other young people, I should be ready to die in my bed for a day. No, I am really looking forward to all that we have going on for the next 2 weeks! Today, the 40-high-school-student team from Atlanta arrives to help put in a nice soccer field at our church, to help with a work project at an orphanage, and hang out with the youth of Horizonte! During that time we'll also be having a massive youth group (I have NO idea how 60+ people are going to fit in Global), and going to Bernal (a big rock that you can climb in the Queretaro outback). I'm helping with translation during the work projects. Then the day that the team leaves, the Horizonte youth leave for Michoacan for our 3-day camp. It's absolutely amazing how my experiences in Honduras match up EXACTLY with my responsibilities here in QRO - helping to organize a short term work team, translating for them, being in charge of the games at camp, teaching a worshop at camp, etc. Just that I have a lot more responsibilites here. I wasn't IN CHARGE of anything in Honduras, just helping and observing, and wow is it ever helpful that I had those experiences!!

Please be praying for us these next two weeks. Rebecca, and intern who arrived saturday, is going back home tuesday as her grandpa unexpectedly died a few hours before she left the States on saturday. She'll come back to Mexico on thursday. Pray for me as I get cranky with little sleep, and I won't be getting much for a while! Pray for the youth leadership as we try to finish camp preparations while the gringos are here. Pray that the short term team will have good attitudes and be a blessing to Horizonte.

Thanks!! I'll be ready with pictures and updates maybe the 21st! And me and the other gringas go to Guanajuato (where I did spanish classes for 5 weeks) on the 22nd! yay!

Oh yes, and Felipe Calderon is the new president of Mexico, he'll take office this December! He'd be my choice for president!!

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