Sunday, June 11, 2006

And the Winner Is... SANCHEZ

Yes, the locura (madness) has begun!!! Friday morning was the World Cup inaguration, and first game - Germany v. Costa Rica. I was unpleasantly surprised that some of my friend here were rooting for Germany... A bunch of us gathered friday morning at Global to watch the game on the big screen projector. Costa Rica lost 2-4, but better luck next game.

Today was Mexico's first game, against Iran. After church was over this morning, we gathered in front of the screen at church to watch the last half of Mexico v. Iran. WE WON 3-1!!!!! Everyone knew that they had to win this game (and all that follow) for Oswaldo Sanchez, the goalie (also goalie of my favorite team - Chivas). His dad was going to leave Mexico for the first time ever to go to Germany to watch his son play in the World Cup. Then he died last sunday or monday. But Sanchez is back in the game, playing for his dad, who would be proud.

Monday is the USA's first game. We play Chech Republic. I realized today that I have no USA paraphanelia - I have Mexico jersey and flag, Brasil jersey and flag, and I cheated for Costa Rica and wore a Honduras jersey, but I don't have anything to wear for my own country!! Sad.

Anyhow, apart from soccer, I expect this week to be rather busy - we are planning a week of 3 hour english classes for NEXT WEEK (yikes!!), enrolling the new gringas in spanish classes, hosting World Cup at Global, I have some Bible Studies going on, a video to help make for youth group, and youth camp planning meetings. Wow. I LOVE all that I am involved in (with the possible exception of the english week that I'm not super excited about...) so I know it is great!! I'll be catching up on sleep today and monday to prepare for the next two weeks...

AND... GREAT NEWS!!!!!! Apryl, my good friend since I was one year old, is coming to visit me in Mexico in August!! She is coming for like 9 days. We hope to go to Oaxaca to visit her sponsor child there (although transportation is becoming a bigger headache for that everyday...) and hang out in QRO. I'm REALLY looking forward to that!!!!!

And for any of you who have entirely too much time on your hands, check out THIS. I KNEW Oregonians drive better than anyone else! Now we have the proof...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica!!!
How r u doing? tomorrow Brazil is gonna play n I'm gonna be working :( I really hope Brozil does a good job , cause everybody is already teasing me around here. ahahha. It seems you are having a great time in mexico. I'm doing good here too. I dont know if u know, but lot of people quit Great harvest: Brittney, Mary, lindsey, Jill, Carlo, and probably more that I just don't remember right now ;p ...
Its always good to hear fomr u by e-mail or on my blog.