Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Three Months, Twenty Days of Good Intestinal Health

I can no longer say that I’ve never been “stomach sick” in Mexico. From the day I came here (Jan. 5) until Sunday, I had perfect intestinal health here, even the times I came for a week in high school! Alas, my record is broken. I ate a HUUUUUUGE meal on Sunday after church, and it was really greasy too, and then Emil and I were walking around QRO, and I started to not feel so good. So we decided to go home. But I knew I wouldn’t have made it… I’m so glad there are lots of public restrooms in QRO Centro! That’s the first time I’ve puked in a public bathroom that I can remember too. Thankfully, I was only sick that evening, and only for a couple hours!

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