Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Missionaries Get Spring Break Too!

This week, after the pastors’ conference, we ALL had a break. Not only from work at Global, but also from extra activities at church. I took advantage of the week off, and caught up on sleep the first two days.

Wednesday, I took a day trip by myself to Guanajuato to go to a few museums that I hadn’t been to during language classes, to hang out with the few people from school that I know who were still there, and to have lunch with my GTO family. It was quite fun!

The next days, I hung out in Querétaro with the ladies from my team and we also did a major cleaning job at Global. It was loooong overdue.

Saturday, I got to go to an aquatic park with the Kreveres, Jenn, Checo, and Alan. There wasn’t a lot to do at the park, but sitting around a pool snacking was great for me!!

Me, Micaiah, and Jenn at the water park

Checo, Micaiah, and Jenn in the wave pool

Emil came to QRO on Saturday night, and we went to church and to explore QRO on Sunday.

The arches of the Queretaro aquaduct

Me with Benito Juarez. If you look at a picture of him and of my great-grandpa, you know my family is indiginous of North America!

And that concludes my spring break! It was fun, and I am really ready to jump back into activities at Global and Horizonte! (We planned a few special activities for Global yesterday, and one that I am really excited about is the ‘70’s night. We are renting black lights and a disco ball, and I have a really wretched brown and orange dress to wear… more to come about that in May!)

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