Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Pirate's Life for Me

Or, life with my Mexican family...

Gaby, my little sister had a school play on friday, and it was just about one of the funniest and cutest things ever! She goes to a bilingual school, and the play was in english. Each grade (1st -6th, Gaby is in 6th) did a short rendition of a Disney movie - Lion King, Jungle Book, Mary Poppins, Pirates of the Carribean...

Here are some fotos of the Pirates show - the one that Gaby was in:

Gaby and her good friend Cinderella.

I love living with foregin families!

Speaking of foreign families, my catracho family had 2 birthdays recently, Papi and Ronald. Delmer turned 52, and Ronald 20. I called them both on their birthdays, which is pleasantly not any more expensive to do here than from the States. Ronald is in seminary in Siguatapeque, and seems to be loving it! And, going home every weekend to see the family and special friend Ingrid! I also got to talk to Suyapa and Franklin on Delmer's birthday, that was wonderful! Suyapa is looking into how much it would cost to come to Mexico, and how easy/difficult it is to get a visa for here!!

So, this lovely picture of me is for the birthday boys!

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