Saturday, April 08, 2006

¡Queretaro-o, E-es Mejor!

"Queretaro is the best", we hear on the radio/TV ever 5 minutes... exept in April-June when the temperatures reach 500 degrees and you live by a stagnant pond that is a breeding ground for the biggest mosquitoes EVER. Bug repelent works to fend of boil-sized bites, but it doen's make the mosquito-buzzing noise disappear. Yesterday we bought screen-fabric to hot-glue on the outside of our windows. Screens are expensive, and we are hoping to move this summer, so we're taking the "do-it-yourself" route. I'll be happily hanging screens this evening!

But really, I do like living here! There's lots to do, the people are friendly, I LOVE my job, my family is awesome, and the city is clean and beautiful!

Monday there's a girl named Jennifer coming to work with our team for 2 months. She's from Georgia. We are closing the Cafe for two weeks for Spring Break, so I'll be showing Jennifer around and stuff, and we'll also be helping prepare for the Pastor's conference next weekend.

We'll have at least one girl (besides me) from USA working with our ministry from now until the end of August! I'm pretty excited about that! We also have two short-term teams coming this summer - one small team of adults will be coming from North Point Community Church (our partner church in the U.S.) to help advise on a small group program for Horizante (my QRO church). A second team of 40 yes, FORTY! teenagers will be coming to spend time with the Horizante youth group and re-do our futbol field. So, I think we'll have PLENTY going on this summer, I'm looking forward to it!

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