Sunday, April 16, 2006

Church Camp for Adults

It should be mandatory!!

This past weekend, we had a pastors conference at my church for all the pastors and staff members of Calvary Chapel churches in Mexico and the Hispanic churches in the States. It started on Thursday evening, and ended Saturday afternoon. It was a great time of hearing reports from the various churches represented, singing, meeting new people, and eating free meals. Hehe! Gaby and I had two girls my age from Merida Yucatan stay at our home those days. They were cool. I met a lady from Vancouver Washington who now lives in Cuernavaca Mexico, as well as many people from Ensenada, Tijuana, Merida, Mexico City, and lots of other places. The people from Baja Norte (right south of California) and Merida (somewhat close to Central America) traveled 30 hours by BUS to get to QRO. Wow. Anyone who wanted to was welcome to stay free of charge in QRO church members’ homes. All the food was provided by our church members – almost everyone pitched in to buy something, making the cost of food and lodging FREE for all. Next year the conference will be in Aguascalientes, a city about 3 hours north of here. I totally plan on going – we only have to pay for the cost of transportation!!

Noemi, me, and Lupita from Merida qho stayed at our house

The band from Merida (minus two members who left early, plus one queretano)

And, not that many people if anyone who reads this blog will know what I am talking about, but, FERMIN CUARTO was at out conference!!!!! I had no idea, but he is the pastor of Semilla de Mostaza Church in Mexico City – yes, the Semilla de Mostaza that has several CDs, it’s like the Willow Creek or Saddleback Church of Latin America. For those of you who don’t know, Fermin IV is a musician who is pretty famous in Latin America – I’d guess 80% of Christians between the ages of 14 and 35 know of him, and lots of non-christians too. It was cool to meet him!

Needless to say, it had been a long week. Before the conference, we spent weeks (ok, so I spent just days) painting, remodeling, and cleaning Horizante. It was great to get to know more people from my church and form lots of other churches in the Republic.*

* Republic = the country of Mexico. When people here say “Mexico” they are most likely referring to Mexico City.

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