Thursday, April 13, 2006

This Week In QRO...

Well, I seem to be unable to load photos onto this right now, so I'll have to save that for another day.

This week has been busy, but extremely good. Monday, Jennifer from Atlanta came to QRO - she is a college student who will be working with us for 2 months. I have been taking her around QRO so she can get orientated a bit. It's kind of hard to get to know where you're going here! We have also been working at Horizante church a lot this week, as today starts a 3 day pastors conference for all the Calvary Chapel Chruches in Mexico and the Hispanic USA churches. The conference was a good motivation to get people together to remodel, paint, and clean the church.

So today thru saturday is the conference. We're excited to be the hosting church, and we belive that it will be a time of blessing for Horizante and those who attend from all over!

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