Thursday, May 11, 2006

So I haven't written in this blog for forever, because I am finding myself quite busy these days. And I am tired of carrying around my computer to a place where there is internet. So, next week, I am having internet put in at my house! yay!

Things are going great in the ministry here - I've met a few girls who I will be meeting with for Bible studies, so I'm really excited about that!

I am also getting involved in helping with my church youth group, and that is interesting. I am still young enough to be a part of the youth group, but sadly, it seems like I don't quite fit in or something. I don't know if it's because I'm kind of old, or because I'm a gringa, or something else, but I feel like the other girls in the youth group don't pay me any attention! I try to talk with them, but it's kind of like, "uh, yeah, ok..." and that's the extent of their part of the conversation. So that has been frustrating. But hopefully that will change!

Also, my last grandparent died on Monday. She had been ill for a few years, so it wasn't unexpected, but I won't be going home for the funeral either, so that is kind of weird.

Right now, I'm at Global, and there is a group of Canadians here who came to work with Intervarsity at the UAQ. It's funny, I'm listening to their Bible study in two languages. And there is our usual group of 3 guys who come to play ping-pong ALL morning. I just found out that one of them goes to Seattle every year to visit family! My first "northwesterner" that I've met here! hehe!

That's all for today, I hope to have internet at my home on Monday (which here in Mexico probably means really I'll get it the end of June), and be able to write when I have spare time at home!

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