Sunday, May 28, 2006

¡Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé! ¡¡Gallos, GALLOS!!

Here's the scene:
7pm in Downtown Queretaro. Every police officer and his pet rock are in the Centro. Many arrive with shields, others bring fences to set up around all the monuments in the Centro and to block off Corregidora Street so people from the 3 plazas on that street won't run into the street. Smart, and well-prepared is how I would describe the QRO police force tonight. Why? No, there were no riots, nothing bad was happening....

About 9pm, it began to rain. Whitney and her girls, and Jenn decided to head home. I was going to also, but there wasn't an empty taxi to be found. Julian called my cell phone to tell us the good news. 2-0 at half time! I decided that since I was already wet and couldn't get a taxi, I might as well just find a TV and watch the rest......

Queretaro Gallos Blancos (soccer) vs. Puebla in the Primera A league finals. Why is this game so important? Because the winner moves up to LA LIGA!! That means we are now in the big leagues. It means the CHIVAS will be coming to play in Queretaro. It means that I'll be going to LIGA futbol games.

When the game ended, everyonw was yelling, horns honking, blue and white flags waving, fireworks going off. Had I not been by myself, I would've stayed around downtown for a while. ALL cars headed for the Centro. I lft my spot near a big screen TV outside a downtown restaurant shortly after the game ended (about 10pm). It's 11:30ish now, and I still hear horns honking in celebration! Here's to the newest Liga Mexicana team!! Yay!

And what a day it is for soccer all over the world. My favorite Catracho team won the league title for Honduran league for the third year in a row. Olimpia Tegus knocked out Victoria of la Ceiba to become the champeons!
Sorry for those of you who read this blog and aren't into soccer. The next month and a half may be rough for this blog - World Cup starts in 11 days!!!!!!!!!

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