Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another Birthday

On to a nicer subject, after my post this morning... :-)

Here's a real mordida, too bad I was at a bad angle for taking the picture! Mordida = in Mexico (and other latinamerican countries) you are supposed to take a bite out of your cake before they cut it. Normally you bite the side of the entire cake, but we had a cheesecake, so we just gave her a slice. It's sooo fun, because most gringos (Jenn included!) don't know that when you go to take the bite out of the cake, someone will push your face into it! hehehe! Martin and Silvia (can't quite see her very well) were right there to smoosh the cake on Jenn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I don't want this to sound creepy, i found your blog when I did a google search for Global Grounds. I studied in Queretaro last year at the Tec de Monterrey, and I used to hang out at Global Grounds and Horizonte all the time. I miss the old gang so much!!!! Martin, and Julian and Whitney, and Micaiah must be HUGE by now!!! I haven't talked to any of them for a while, when you see tell them Amy Ross says hi.

I would love to hear more about your trip. How much longer will you be there? e-mail me if you feel like it! beloved123@gmail.com