Saturday, May 27, 2006

Oh Happy Day!!

Jenn came to Global today and said, "I brought you a present, and I think you're REALLY going to like it. In fact, I think you'll scream and jump up and down and run and hug me for it!" I had NO idea what could make me do that... So she proceeded to pull two cans of Dr. Pepper out of a bag and hand them to me!! I was SOOOOOOO happy!! I didn't drink Dr. Pepper all that much in the States, but the fact that I CAN'T get it here makes me WANT it. Jenn found a few cans at a grocery store... someone told us that usually when there's Dr. Pepper here it costs about $1 USD per can! Jenn didn't remember how much she paid for them... But I was happy!!

Tomorrow: pictures from our scavenger hunt!! Trust me, we are WEIRD.

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