Thursday, December 03, 2009

Absolutely Amazing

I've written about "KidStuf" (Cosas de Niños) before, the monthly music and drama program that we do here at Horizonte Church that reinforces the concept that the elementary-age kids learn in Sunday School, and is also an outreach to the community.

Well, in March of this year, we began the second season of KidStuf. Lots of the first season actors and singers were no longer available to participate, so we had a casting. Some kids from a neighborhood close by came to the casting. They are not Christians, but we decided to let them participate anyway, hoping that it could be a way to share Christ with them. There was some controversy in the church about whether or not non-Christian youth should be participating in KidStuf, as it IS a MINISTRY of Horizonte Church. Like, the entire point is spiritual growth for the kids who have a relationship with Christ, and to share the Message of Salvation in Him with kids and parents who don't have that relationship. Generally in a MINISTRY we have Christians doing ministry, for obvious reasons. So this was a big step that we were unsure about taking, but took it anyway.

Over the course of this year, there have been about 10 different young people who are not Christians participating. They learn the Bible verse for the month, and sing about faith in Christ. I've participates on and off during these two seasons of KidStuf, acting and singing, but had to leave it in July because of other activities. But I really love those young people, and they look up to me as well. The girl who leads the choreography is an 18 year-old named Cinthya. (She is a Christian). She's had a HUGE impact on all the KidStuf kids, they lover her look up to her. And she is an excellent example to them of how being a Christian DOESN'T mean you can't do anything "cool" with your life.

This past sunday was the season finale of KidStuf until February or March, when we'll begin the THIRD season. So saturday, the day before the finale, you can imagine that there wer hours of practice going on. I knew that Edith, the coordinator of KidStuf, and Cinthya had in mind to share the Message of Salvation with the young people in a direct way, and give them the opportunity to accept that gift of Salvation and a relationship with Christ. I SOOOOO wanted to be there, but I didn't know when they were going to do it, so I wasn't.

SIX of the young people accepted the Lord on saturday!! Because of their participation in KidStuf, they had a good idea of what a relationship with the Lord is - that it's not really a religion at all, but an actual RELATIONSHIP. And, to top that off, six of the Christian young people (really young, like 13-16 years old!!) met individually with the six new believers to tell their story of what God has done in their lives, and hopefully to begin discipling them! So this was a DOUBLE blessing - to have new believers, and to see our youth begin discipling them!!

I'm so excited to see where this goes. And, if you're thinking "Right, those teens are going to disciple other teens" (which I totally believe is possible!), in case that doesn't work out, there are several of us, like Cinthya and myself, who are totally ready to step in and continue working with the new believers to walk along side them as the grow in their faith!

The end of the good-bye song at the KidStuf finale:

We had hoped to see this day come, when God would touch the hearts of all the KidStuf kids and bring them to a relationship with Him. I am SOOO thankful to see His work in KidStuf!!!

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