Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Rinconcito de MEXICO

Well, I had a really good Sunday (2 days ago!!) I went back to Iglesia de Cristo (wasn't able to go the week before...). It was so nice to be remembered and welcomed back. After the Una Vida Con Proposito sermon, we all went to Bush Park in a celebration of children's day. It was a potluck, I felt kind of bad because I didn't know about it, so I didn't bring anything. Then we played a lot. Again, I didn't know about this, so I was in tall shoes and a skirt! ha! We hadd 4, yes FOUR piñatas! It is always so much funner (great use of english, huh?) to do piñatas with latinos, they are way more into it that gringos. Even the adults dove for candy. Now, I don't mean that people were running up to the candy spilage and bending down to grab pieces, the kids literally go head first for the candy, using their arms, not fingers, to grab as much candy as possible. Yes, this did result in some minor injuries. But just minor ones. So I was not as agressive as the other adults, an ended up with just a few pieces of candy. But someone felt sorry for me, and let me choose some of their prized pieces of Mexican candies!

It is strange to me to be considered more or less an adult among this group of people. In Honduras, I am still a teenager. Heck, my good friends Luisa and Omar are still teenagers. They are two years older than me. There was a 33 year old at youth camp last summer as a participant because he is single and still a 'teenager'. Anyhow, I guess it's different in different places. I just think that I'm not in the States when I'm with my new Mexican friends! It's my little piece of Latin America. I can pretend that I really am there! hehehe!

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