Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cheaply Healthy

Eating healthy in the United States can be EXPENSIVE. I was aghast last January when I went to WinCo to buy tomatoes and they cost like $2.30 per POUND!!! True, it was off-season for tomatoes, but good grief... And tomatoes are key to most mexican food...

Thankfully, fruits and vegetables are a LOT cheaper here in Queretaro (and cheaper still in other parts of Mexico). Since I'd lived with mexican families for until I got married, I didn't need to buy a lot of groceries, but always went to the grocery store when I needed stuff. Now that Jean Paul and I are married, of course we have a budget for everything, and I now must figure out the cheapest way to buy food for 2 people for three meals a day. We both ate in cheap restaurants and taco stands as singles, but it's always cheaper to eat at home. JP recommended that I find a friend to go to the market with me. I'd been to the markets many times for things like craft items, disposable cups and plates, etc. But I took a friend and went to the fruit and vegetable section of a market downtown. I was pleasently shocked at the prices! Things are MUCH cheaper than in the grocery stores... In fact, the other week, I bought all this:

Clockwise from the white thing by the apples: 1 pound of cheese, 1 pound of hotdogs, 4 apples, 2 pounds of limes (I make a mean lime-ade!), 2 pounds of potatoes, 6 bananas, 1 pound of tomatoes, hotdog buns, a loaf of bread, a head of lettuce, 2 pounds of tomatillos (excellent for enchilada sauce!), 4 pieces of chorizo sausage, and a cucumber.

All that cost less that $10 USD. Pretty good, no? And all that lasts us a good 2 weeks. (Of course I buy meat and chicken a other stuff too...)

Anyhow, I just wanted to brag a bit about actually being able to make yummy homemade foods for CHEAP! :)

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